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Center on Better Health & Life for Undeserved Populations

The FSU Center on Better Health and Life for Underserved Populations (BHL Center) focuses on developing and testing model higher education and community-based programs to address health disparities in underserved populations. The specific mission of the BHL Center is to help underserved populations have better health and life through transdisciplinary research and program development. The underserved is loosely defined as populations that may have been impacted by insufficient social and economic resources in their lives and, as a result, have barriers that impede delivery of services. Age, race/ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status and place of residence (urban/rural) often define those who may be underserved.

BHL Center Goals

  1. Develop, implement and evaluate community-based programs to address health disparities in underserved populations;

  2. Conduct research on health disparities and underserved populations that informs the program development process; and

  3. Develop, implement and evaluate higher education programs to create a pool of educated and qualified graduates for the health professions who desire to work with underserved populations.



Penny Ralston, PhD
Professor, Dean Emeritus;
Director, Center on Better Health and Life for Underserved Populations

A native of Indiana, Ralston received the B.S. degree from Ball State University and the M.Ed. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Illinois. Her previous positions include professor, College of Human Sciences, Iowa State University and professor and head,Department of Consumer Studies,University of Massachusetts-Amherst. The author of over 60 refereed articles, abstracts, book chapters and reviews, Ralston's major scholarly work has focused on program development, including the development of community-based programs and higher education programs.

Research Interests

Community-based programs for older adults, health related outcomes, program development in higher education.

Contact Information

Phone:  (850) 645-8110

Office Location: 2010 Levy Ave. Research Building B- Room 287

Office Hours: By appointment only

Fax: (850) 645-8109

Iris Young-Clark
Assistant Director

Contact Information

Phone:  (850) 644-2835

Office Location: 288 Research Building B

Fax: (850) 645-8109


Project Assistants

Brandon Green

Bachelor's Graduate, Biology, Florida State University

Project Assistant, Florida State University


Katherine Rancano
Undergraduate Student, Dietetics & Family Child Sciences
Florida State University

Project Assistant, Florida State University


Naomi Thelusma
Bachelor's Graduate, Family & Child Sciences
Florida State University

Project Assistant, Florida State University

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