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Incarceration Resources Directory

“Everyone has something they are ashamed of, afraid of or that they feel guilty about. Each of us in our own way will devise a near little method of handing it. Some of us deny. Some of us blame. Some of us do a combination of both. Undoubtedly the day will come when we will be force to examine that which we have tucked away. We can willingly begin the process of examination by telling the truth to ourselves about ourselves. We all have the right to make mistakes. Our fault is being righteous about it. When we fail to admit our faults, the faults become what everyone can see. When we refuse to admit what we have done in the past, we block our path to the future. No matter how terrible we think we are, how bad we believe we have been, how low we think we have fallen we can clean out our minds and begin again.

The only way out is the truth.

Iyania Vansant, from, “Acts of Faith: Daily Meditations for People of Color

The following resource list is a combination of a variety of information from our research on services for agencies and programs providing support to families left behind, or those who are working with the incarcerated parent. It is informational and is here to serve as a guide and a  link to other resources that may assist you in your journey of assisting those in need. This section will be updated in the near future. (some of this information was excerpted from, which was adapted from The following list is gathered information from some of our research.


Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Service

Mentoring Children of Prisoners Program.


Annie E. Casey Foundation

This foundation develops connections to improve the outcomes for families and children in tough or isolated neighborhoods.  The foundation's Knowledge Center offers useful resources on family-centered community building. Website:


Amachi-People of Faith, Mentoring, Children of Prisoners.


American Correctional Association (ACA)

This is a multidisciplinary organization of professionals representing all aspects of corrections and criminal justice, including federal, state, and military correctional facilities; prisons; county jails, and detention centers; probation/parole agencies; and community corrections/halfway houses.  Web site:


American Probation and Parole Association

The APPA explores issues relevant to the field of community-based corrections. APPA is an international association comprised of members from the United States, its overseas territories, and Canada, involved with probation, parole, and community-based corrections in both adult and juvenile sectors at all levels of government.  Web site:


Building from the Ground Up: Creating Effective Programs to Mentor Children of Prisoners (The Amachi Model).


Children of Criminal Offenders FACSNET Reporting Tools

Provides an overview of issues relating to children of criminal offenders.Website:


Children of Incarceration: Collateral Victims of Crime, A Resource Guide

For a complete version of this report, go to:


Child Welfare League of American (CWLA)

CWLA is an association of approximately 800 public and private nonprofit agencies that assist more than 3.5 million abused and neglected children and their families each year with a range of services.  The Juvenile Justice Division of the Child Welfare League of America is committed to working with and through its member agencies activities in an effort to reduce the incidence of juvenile delinquency nationwide and to reduce reliance on incarceration for accused or adjudicated delinquent youth. Website:


Girl Scouts Beyond Bars

By keeping incarcerated mothers and their daughters connected, the trauma and negative impacts of parental separation is dramatically lessened with the support of Girl Scouts Beyond Bars.  They facilitate visits between mothers and daughters.  A recently developed component of GSBB provides programming to mothers in pre-release and post-release transitional facilities. Website:


Family and Corrections Network (FCN)

Includes: Reading Rooms (provides several articles, information, and data on children of incarcerated parents), Children of Prisoners Library (to be posted spring 2003), and Incarcerated Fathers Library.Website:



FamilyWorks attempts to heal the trauma, for children left behind, through a prison-based parenting education program for incarcerated fathers; children's visiting centers for incarcerated fathers and their families at men's State prisons; and community-based services for families affected by incarceration. Web site:


Federal Resource Center for Children of Prisoners Child Welfare League of America (CWLA)

Provides information and resources for organizations and individuals that work with or study families separated by incarceration.Website:


GAINS Center for People with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System

The work of the National GAINS Center in the Justice System and the Technical Assistance and Policy Analysis (TAPA) Center for Jail Diversion are kept informed by the National GAINS Center, which has operated since 1995 as a national locus for the collection and dissemination of information about effective mental health and substance abuse services for people with co-occurring disorders in contact with the justice system. The TAPA Center for Jail Diversion and the Center for Evidence-Based Programs in the Justice System, funded by the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) in 2001 and 2004 respectively, comprises the National GAINS Center. Website:


Legal Services for Prisoners with Children

LSPC advocates for the human rights and empowerment of incarcerated parents, children, family members and people at risk for incarceration.  They respond to requests for information, trainings, technical assistance, litigation, community activism and the development of more advocates.  Their focus is on women prisoners, their families, and issues of race central to their discussion of incarceration. Website:


Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy

The Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy states that their goals are to understand, assess, prevent, and manage violence in society; to promote human rights by developing and strengthening the ethical and legal foundations of the rights of persons who have or are perceived to have mental illnesses and disabilities; to improve law and policy by developing and shaping laws and public policies related to mental health and human development; and to provide better information to civil and criminal courts by improving the capacity of mental health disciplines to give reliable clinical and scientific information to courts that will help them make informed decisions. Web site:


Justice Research and Statistics Association

The Justice Research and Statistics Association is a national organization of State Statistical Analysis Center directors, analysts, researchers, and practitioners. Web site:


Mentoring Children of Prisoners Program

The Mentoring Children of Prisoners Program is designed to create competitive grants to applicants serving urban, suburban, rural or tribal populations with substantial numbers of children of incarcerated parents and to support the establishment and operation of mentor programs.  Projects funded under this program links children with mentors, incorporate the elements of Positive Youth Development, and partner with private business, nonprofit, community-based, state and local entitles to support and enhance mentoring programs.  This may include connecting children and families to additional support services. Website:


National Commission on Correctional Health Care

The National Commission on Correctional Health Care's mission is to improve the quality of health care provided in jails, prisons, and juvenile confinement facilities. Website:


National Human Service Assembly Family Strengthening Policy Center (FSPC)

The FSPC aspire to make family strengthening a priority by mainstreaming neighborhood-based, family-centered practices, programs and policy.  By leveraging the National Human Services Assembly's network of 80 health and human service member organizations, the Center's objective is to promote family policy that contributes to family economic and social empowerment. Website:


National Native American Children of Prisoners Mentoring Program

Non-Profit OrganizationsThis program specifically addressed the issue of Native American children with parent(s) incarcerated in tribal, state or federal prisons.


National Parenting Education Network (NPEN)

NPEN is a national umbrella organization that encourages information sharing, professional development, and networking opportunities for 250,000 professionals, paraprofessionals, and volunteers who serve as parent educators. Website:


National Juvenile Detention Association

The National Juvenile Detention Association exists exclusively to advance the science, processes, and art of juvenile detention services through the overall improvement of the juvenile justice profession. Web site:


National Resource Center on Children & families of the Incarcerated at Family & Corrections Library


National Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities

National Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities is a membership organization representing individuals and programs dedicated to the professional delivery of positive treatment and case management services to substance abusing populations. Web site:


Newman's Own

Newman's Own provides grant opportunities that can be applicable to nonprofit community and faith-based organizations addressing reentry. Eligible charities must be U.S. organizations with an IRS 501(c)(3) designation. Schools, hospitals, and other public institutions are also eligible. Web site:


Offender Preparation & Education Network, Inc. (OPEN, INC.)

OPEN, INC., a small, nonprofit organization founded in Dallas, TX, in 1979, develops educational materials and programs that are used by correctional agencies to help offenders prepare to live as law-abiding citizens. Web site:


Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)

OJJDP provides national leadership, coordination, and resources to help prevent and respond to juvenile delinquency and victimization.  Online resources include a database of model programs, statistics, and analyses relating to positive youth development and strengthening families and communities.  The office also sponsors technical assistance and training for public agencies. Website:


The Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents (CCIP)

CCIP documents and develops model services for children of criminal offenders and their families. CCIP seeks to prevent intergenerational crime and incarceration through activities in four component areas: education, family reunification, therapeutic services, and information. Web site:


The Center for Community Alternatives (CCA)

CCA is a leader in community-based alternatives to incarceration.  Through innovative and pioneering services as well as the research, public advocacy and training of its justice strategies division, CCA fosters individual transformation, reduces reliance on incarceration and advocates for more responsive juvenile and criminal justice policies. Website:


The Family and Corrections Network

Since 1983 Family and Corrections Network has provided ways for those concerned with families of prisoners to share information and experiences in an atmosphere of mutual respect. We have done this through publishing, sponsoring conferences, liaison with other agencies, presentations, and consultation. We have published information on children of prisoners, parenting programs for prisoners, prison visiting, incarcerated fathers, hospitality programs and a variety of other topics. Their mission is to uphold the value of families of prisoners. Web site:


Time Dollar Institute

Time Dollars is a new, tax-exempt kind of money. People can convert their personal time into purchasing power by helping others and by rebuilding family, neighborhood, and community. An hour spent helping another earns one Time Dollar. Web site:


United States Parole Commission

The United States Parole Commission promotes public safety by exercising its authority regarding the release and supervision of criminal offenders under its jurisdiction in a way that advances justice. Web site:


Volunteers of America

Volunteers of America's corrections services help inmates and offenders rebuild their lives. The services provide the tools ex-offenders need to rejoin mainstream society, make positive contributions, and avoid future incarceration. Web site:

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